The first quarter of the year is in the books. So that means the Super Bowl, March Madness and the release of the new Nintendo Switch are behind us. Don’t tell anyone, but I have my Nintendo under my desk. Some afternoons I close the door and play when I’m supposed to be making calls. In fact one-day last week, …
Tom Laundry Has “HOT” Office Supplies For Sale
Hey, everyone. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I’ve been doing a lot of research on perfecting my NCAA bracket. And now that the games have started, I’ll be even less productive here. But I’ve also got a new hobby going, selling office supplies. It’s a great way to supplement my income at this lousy job. The process has …
Should Mr. Burns Run An Annual Background Check on Homer Simpson?
For nearly 30 years Homer Simpson has been a big part of Sector 7-G at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. We can only assume the plant’s billionaire owner, C. Montgomery Burns did not have a very thorough background process. We’ve seen Homer involved in countless accidents, that have even resulted in the death of a co-worker. (Rest in Peace Frank …
Tom Laundry is Clowning Around
Posted 10/20/16 I know, I know, it’s been awhile since my last post. I’ve been busy with Fantasy Football. My sure-fire picks from months ago have been flops this season. So in between dodging conference calls and executive luncheons, I’ve been trying to rebuild. Earlier this week I realized all hope is likely gone, so I’ve been struggling with another …
Tom Laundry is Daydreaming About That iPhone 7, Man!
Tom Laundry here. It’s been a busy September so far. Besides keeping up with my Fantasy Football league from my cubicle, I’ve been fantasizing about the iPhone 7. Don’t let the boss know, but I watched the livestream of the announcement in between naps…errr…I mean, business appointments this week. Apple is rolling out all kinds of things to help increase …
HR THINKS I HAVE A FEVER: Yeah, Pokemon Go Fever!
I haven’t posted a blog lately. Been just a little busy. I too have Pokemon Go fever. I’ve been obsessed trying to level up. Since downloading the game two weeks ago, I’ve collected 89 Pokemon. But that dang Ponyata keeps getting away. He’s one of the rare Pokemon Go characters I have to catch. My number one goal before …
Tom E. Laundry: That’s Not in My Job Description!
It’s been a busy time around the office. Stephanie is on maternity leave. Bob just retired. And Valerie is in the Bahamas for two weeks. With so many people gone, the boss had the nerve to ask me to help out with some of THEIR responsibilities. I told him, “That’s not in my job description.” He grumbled and mumbled …
Tom E. Laundry, Bad Employee and Social Media Master
Hey there, it’s me again, Tom Laundry. I should really be working right now, but I just got back from vacation and I have a ton of pictures to upload to my Instagram account…on company time. Shhhh, don’t tell the boss because for some reason he really hates it when I use his time for personal tasks. Speaking of …
Meet Tom Laundry, Bad Employee
Hello there. My name is Tom Laundry and I’m a bad employee. But I get by with it. As for work goes, my main focus is to just show up. Just don’t expect me to go above and beyond because that ain’t in my job description. I stick to my job …