Data Entry Specialist / Customer Service Representative Are you looking for a fast-paced and challenging position with a growing company? You might be a perfect fit for us! We are looking for an applicant with strong computer, telephone and data entry skills: 50+ WPM. Must be very attentive to detail, well organized, must be able to multitask and work in …
MBI Worldwide’s Kim Cox Receives Advanced FCRA Certification
(Posted 1/6/17) Kim Cox, Senior Support Staff at MBI Worldwide, received her Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Advanced Certification in December 2016. The FCRA Advanced Certification Program is intended for employment background screening professionals looking to demonstrate a commitment to compliance within their organization. The Advanced Certification Program is open to everyone and is perfect for individuals in compliance or legal …
How Well Do You Know That Job Applicant?
Seriously though. Just how well do you know that job candidate?
MBI WORLDWIDE’S TOP BANANA TROPHY GOES TO…drumroll please…. EOM honors are bestowed upon a MBI team member each month who goes above and beyond his or her own job description to benefit co-workers and adds to the success of MBI Worldwide. Congratulations to Christopher Seenaught, Verification Specialist, MBI Employee of the Month, October 2016! Thank you for everything you do! We appreciate you.
Selecting an Employment Background Screening Vendor
Posted 11/1/2016 When considering an employment background screening company you should only use the best. I personally know that selecting a new vendor can be time consuming and rigorous. So what sets one screening company apart from the rest? Why pick company A over company B? There are many factors to consider. However there are some major key points to …
MBI’S TOP BANANA AWARD! EOM honors are bestowed upon a MBI team member each month who goes above and beyond his or her own job description to benefit co-workers and adds to the success of MBI Worldwide. Congratulations to Jeff McMillian, Director of IT, MBI Employee of the Month, September 2016! Jeff has been with MBI Worldwide from BEFORE day one way …
We’re So Full of Cool, We Have Our Own Hashtag #MBITeam
MBI Worldwide’s On a Mission! Here’s our team Mission Statement. DRIVE AND GRIT. Get Stuff Done. HUMILITY. Be kind. Be humble. Respect one another. SMART STRATEGY. Quick, Compliant and Swift “like-a-fox” Thinking. CONNECTION. Build relationships through support and understanding. LEARNING. Amass experiences and knowledge with Industry Training. EXCELLENCE WITH PURPOSE. Excitement to deliver your standard of excellence; meaningful work, effective results. TRANSPARENCY. A clear …
The Power of a Handwritten Note in Business
Years ago, email replaced the art of handwritten letter writing. Today, even email is falling by the wayside. We tweet, text and Snapchat to communicate with our friends, family and even business associates. No one takes the time to sit down and express themselves with more than 140 characters or a ten second video clip. We have lost the art …