Operation Nightingale continues to uncover the details behind the purchase of fake nursing diplomas.

Operation Nightingale continues to uncover the details behind the purchase of fake nursing diplomas.  Texas, New Jersey, and New York have been added to the list of states where these fake nursing diplomas are being found.  About 7,600 students paid an average of $15,000 for bogus diplomas, according to prosecutors. Around 2,400 of those people then passed a licensing exam to obtain jobs as registered nurses and licensed practical nurses or vocational nurses in multiple states. It is important to take the time to verify qualifications. You need professionals that are trained to catch fake diplomas.

After allegations that three Florida institutions sold thousands of phony diplomas, medical licensing regulators in numerous states are rushing to prevent nurses with false academic qualifications from providing patient care.

903 nurses were recently ordered by New York regulators to either give up their licenses or provide documentation of their formal education. Several hundred nursing licenses have been revoked by Delaware and Washington state regulators. 23 nurses were the subject of administrative charges in Texas. Additional activities are anticipated in more states.

Lawyers for the nurses claim that in some cases, states are questioning the credentials of caretakers who received legitimate certificates. Yet, the industry as a whole is in agreement that nurses with false degrees must be exposed.

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