10.) Ongoing account specific turnaround time, there are no special reports to pull.
9.) “Order By SSN option”. This option allows for an instant means to order AKAs and county/state/federal jurisdictions to any order. This feature also saves data entry.
8.) Applicant Quick Invite tool allows for the applicant to enter their own information into the system. By entering minimal data the applicant can sign a consent and complete the order entry. You many send it directly to us to start the background check or review it first.
7.) Color coded reports. Colors can be customized.
6.) Self creation of Pre-Adverse and Adverse Action Letters. Data of completed consumer report will merge into a Word document. This can be customized.
5.) Easy I-9 Ordering and Management
4.) Reports may be viewed in 3 options: HTML, Color PDF and Black and White PDF.
3.) Batch Ordering made simple.
2.) Invoice are available online. Three (3) versions are available for viewing: Detailed, Summary, and Name Summary.
1.) Pricing and estimated completion date can be included with each order. Please note additional court, state, or 3rd party access fees may not be included.