MBI Worldwide Offers Award Winning Customer Service

YES, WE HEARD ABOUT THAT EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND SCREENING COMPANY MERGER TOO!  All of a sudden, BAM – Where did the customer service that you were so used to… GO?

Not all employee background screening companies are created equal.  Big screening companies are buying up the smaller and mid-size companies left and right and integrating their “big business” attitude when it comes to customer service.  Fortunately for you, privately owned companies offer the same services, same integrations and same turn-around time at reduced pricing.   Don’t get caught in the backlash of the big background screening companies’ BAD customer service.

Are you tired of leaving a voicemail?  Are you tired of 24 hour delays in callbacks?  Do you want to speak with a real human? Are you looking for an employee background screening company that knows and answers your questions, no matter how small or large they might be?

Call MBI Worldwide today to schedule a Live Demo with our team. (866) 275-4624


Employee Background Checks

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