Year End Review – Are Your Consents and Disclosures Up-To-Date?


MBI Worldwide takes compliance and hiring practices seriously.  We send our current customers updated forms and offer free training on issues and topics related to employment background checks.  We want our customers to stay sharp, stay compliant and stay out of the courtroom.

If your current employee background screening partner does not offer updated forms and consents, it’s time to move on to an accredited background screening firm that does.

Download MBI’S  FREE compliance best practices guide to perform the most efficient background checks HERE.

Consent and Disclosure

• Collect a written consent.
• Do not use release language that is legally not permissible.
• Combine your release and disclosure, within your application, or combine other releases and notices that are non-related.
• Maintain a copy of disclosure/authorization required by state and federal regulation. • Have Screening Agency listed, with their address and toll-free number, on the disclosure. This allows applicants to contact them for disputes and/or copy of report. • Provide proper disclosures.
• Provide written notices to applicants.