MBI’s Committed Customer Service

Hello from your data entering friend at MBI ☺, it is my job to enter the “paper requests” we get from our clients, and look for potential issues with a request.

While I’m fairly new to MBI Worldwide, here’s what I can tell you so far. When companies tell you they will make something a priority and give it their personal attention, you don’t always believe it. You should believe it at MBI. Our team works hard each and every day to ensure that each client’s request is carried out in the way the client needs and wants, as quickly as possible. Each and every person in the office is absolutely committed to making sure your background screening needs are met and that you are satisfied with your experience. We understand that all of our clients’ needs are unique, and we are more than willing to listen and adapt to those needs.

If you do ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email and ask. If you’re unsure that your request was received or if you think it was entered incorrectly, you can email me directly at ahutchinson@mbiworldwide.com, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions!

Good screening is smart business.

Alex Hutchinson

Support Team Member

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